Fermob Color Chart

25 colors, 25 unprecedented ways to make our furniture happy, 25 degrees of intensity, 25 shades of lightness, 25 new ideas of beauty and subtlety...

Clay Grey

Lapilli Grey

Storm Grey



Deep Blue

Acapulco Blue

Cedar Green



Willow Green




Black Cherry

Red Ochre





Frosted Lemon

Ice Mint

Opaline Green


Cotton White

New colors

Color Expert

Fermob offers the widest range of colors on the garden furniture market with 25 metal colors. Regularly renewed, our color chart is the subject of continuous work. We do not aim to cover the entire spectrum of color and follow fashion trends: we want to offer a coherent, long-lasting range that offers possibilties of combinations between colors and all our product collections. In total monochrome look, in small touches or in effervescene of colors....it's up to you to create a look that suits you!


Fermob's colors are meticulously developed to complement each other while also being visually appealing on their own. The team takes into consideration how the colors will interact when used together.

The textures of the finishes are carefully chosen to enhance the color's appearance. Fermob offers a range of finishes such as smooth, textured, glittery, semi-matte, and matte to ensure that the desired shade is achieved and that the colors are versatile in various environments.

Each new color goes through a rigorous quality process before being integrated into the Fermob color chart. This process ensures that the color meets four essential criteria for garden furniture: UV resistance, humidity resistance, abrasion resistance, and pigment hold.


Our integrated paint line is one of the most efficient in Europe. It allows Fermob to control the finishes and to offer a constant quality of application.

Thanks to the mastery of this know-how, Fermob offers resistant products, protected against the effects of the sun, humidity, with a color that does not lose intensity over time. For long-lasting pleasure… And a garden life full of brilliance!

Choosing The Right Color

Selecting the right colors can be quite a personal and sometimes challenging decision. To help guide you through this process, Mathilde and Marion, Fermob's visual merchandisers, offer some valuable tips to ensure you choose colors that resonate with your style and preferences.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a space that resonates with you and reflects your personality. By considering their tips and working with the resources provided by Fermob, you can confidently choose colors that will make your furniture pieces truly reflect your image and create a space you'll love.